Central California Homeowners
They Have Been in Your Shoes..
The Thompsons
Madera, Ca

The Baileys
Coarsegold, CA

The Adame Family
Parlier, Ca

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Frequently Asked Questions
That is precisely why we are here, when done properly - solar is not another bill. It replaces your current utility bill, with a much lower one. And with so many options to go solar, most programs are available with no money down and $0 to start.
Homeowners typically see a difference of 30-60% of their typical utility bills -- and the best part is THERE'S AN END TO PAYMENTS. At an average electricity bill of $200/month, that could equal $1000+ SAVED a year!! I'm sure there's a lot you can do with an EXTRA $1000 right?
While Solar IS a great thing, unfortunately, not every home qualifies. The prerequisites for solar in California are: 1. You must be the homeowner, 2. You must have enough sun exposure, 3. You must use a minimum amount of electricity, 4. YOU MUST ACTUALLY GAIN SAVINGS, and 5. You must qualify for one of the programs.
No, your panels do not have to be placed on the front of your house - they can be placed almost anywhere you'd like (depending on space, city/county, and fire safety requirements). The biggest determining factor on panel placement (besides your preference) is the orientation of your roof and the amount of sun exposure each side gets.
You get the most bang for your buck on your South Facing Roof Plane, the West comes in second, with East being a very close third, and North Facing Roof Planes come in last place. So depending on which direction your house sits and how much sun exposure your preferences get, your panel count may need to be altered to make the necessary amount of electricity.
This was a very common problem in solar systems that were installed in 2014-16 mostly by two companies in particular, not going to mention any names. While the exact circumstances may vary slightly - the majority lead to what is called a True-Up Bill. A true-up bill is a symptom of an under producing or under sized system, meaning the amount of power being used in the home is more than the amount of power the system is producing. So they are having to buy additional power from PG&E.
For this reason, not only do we offer 24/7 monitoring, but we have guarantees and warranties to guard against underproduction, where if a system we install under performs, your account gets credited the difference. If one of our systems over produces, that extra power is YOURS, you do not pay for the additional power.
...If your co-worker is still having that problem, refer them to us and we can help diagnose the problem. If we can help them resolve it, we will help pay-off their true-up bill and you will earn $500 for the referral!
The simple answer is - even if homes are built exactly the same, the families within them are not. The difference in cost from one house to the next will vary depending on a couple factors: 1) How much power each home actually uses and 2) Which Solar Plan was right for them.
Not at all. Anyone can get paid for a referral. In order to get signed up as an affiliate, we just need to register you. With your name, email address, and an address (to send the checks to) and a referral - You can earn money by helping your friends and family save money on their electricity. It's a WIN-WIN-WIN!
Great question! All of these are good options, but like everything in life, each option has their Pros and Cons. And determining which would be best for you greatly depends on your personal goals.
The PPA (or Power Purchase Agreement) is the most common for folks who are unable to take advantage of the tax credit. It takes the best qualities of the lease and couples with the option to own the system after year 5. Our PPA's also offer a Power Performance Guarantee, 25 Year Bumper to Bumper Warranty, and are insured for the FULL 25 years as well.
Ownership has the strongest return of investment. It allows you to take advantage of the Federal Tax Credit, INCREASES the value of Your Home, and once the system is paid off, you aren't paying anyone to produce electricity for you anymore. You have your own power plant on your roof. Backed by our 25 Year Bumper to Bumper Warranty, Power Production Guarantee and Workmanship Warranty.
Leases are an easy alternative. If you are unable to take advantage of the tax credit, and have no desire to own your own solar system. You can lease a solar system and "lock in" price protection on your electricity bills for 25 years. Our leases offer a Power Performance Guarantee, 25 Year Bumper to Bumper Warranty, and are insured for the FULL 25 years as well.
The hardest part of my job is figuring out which is the best option for YOU, but with a few questions, we can easily figure that out. We can help you determine which direction to go.
The 30% Federal Investment Tax Credit for owners of residential and commercial solar systems has been EXTENDED, per the Inflation Reduction Act! Set to expire December 31, 2032, thereafter it will reduce until it fully expires in 2035. The 30% Tax Credit Expires in precisely....
The Golden State passed Senate Bill 100, that specifically requires that 60% of California's electricity to be powered by renewable resources by 2030, while calling for a "bold path" toward 100% zero-carbon electricity by 2045 - whether through wind, water or solar.
We are all on a mission to serve our state and our communities! In order to reach these lofty goals, we all have to work together. Let's get started today!